Benefits of Coupons & Promotions for Your Small Business

White cellphone, coffee, and a laptop sitting on a wooden desk with green coupon on phone screen

Benefits of Coupons & Promotions for Your Small Business

Let’s face it – regardless of what you’re trying to purchase from a local business, there is nothing better than finding a coupon or promotion to go along with it. A majority of customers that shop online search for coupons before making a purchase, so why not partake in this massive savings industry? While it may seem like a risk to offer a discount on a high revenue product or service, you will soon find that potential customers will be willing to buy and past customers will be willing to shop again. Read below to see how coupons and promotions can help grow your local business.

Increases Your Business’s Local Awareness

Can you recall having a conversation with a friend about the great deals that a certain store is having this weekend? Or reading a social media post about a business selling a product for 50% during certain days of the week? Believe it or not, these customers are the best salesperson a business could have! Coupons and promotions make customers excited, and this excitement makes them want to tell all of their friends and family, which is nothing but an advertisement for your business. Starting your business with a money-saving incentive is the perfect way to increase your customer base.

Laptop sitting on desk with small shopping boxes and credit card making online purchases with coupons

Helps Attract New Customers

New customers may be hard to come by, especially if they have been investing in a competitor for many years. However, coupons are one of the most common ways that businesses gain new customers. Coupons are somewhat of a secret agreement between you and potential customers. Essentially, you will provide them with a service or product at a discounted price if they take a chance on your business. A majority of the time this unspoken trade works and not only have you made a sale, but you now have a likely repeating customer to take care of in the future! What more can you ask for?

Can Actually Help Your Business Make A Profit

One of the main reasons that small business owners are hesitant to use coupons or promotions on their services is for fear of losing profits. Actually, it has been proven that coupons help businesses make a profit – as long as they’re marketed a certain way. For instance, offering your customers $20 off when they spend $100 already guarantees that they will spend at least the amount you require, and often times will spend more since they know they are already getting a cheaper deal. Coupons invite your customers to spend more overall for savings that really doesn’t impact you in a negative way.

Person sitting at a desk with coffee liking social media posts on her cell phone with laptop openDrives the Speed of Sales

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and one of the busiest days of business of the year, is the perfect example of how coupons can drive the speed of sales. Have you ever raced to be one of the first people at a business so that you don’t miss out on their deals? Many customers feel the exact same way! So, if you’re looking to have a slow week, try putting out a few coupons and business will be better than ever! At Right Click Digital Inc., we will help you market your coupons by putting them on your custom website.

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