Facebook is one of the largest social media networks in the world that has not only shaped the way our society communicates but how businesses interact with their consumers. According to Social Media Today, users are spending an average of 38 minutes a day on Facebook, meaning that small businesses have even more of an opportunity to reach their consumers when following the appropriate marketing techniques.
If you’re unsure of how to reach your customers through Facebook, read the top five tips below on how every small business should market their products and services on a social media platform!
Incorporate Videos on Your Page
Every single social media platform uses visuals as a way to entice consumers to view their content. Videos specifically have been the focus of social media apps including Instagram, Snapchat, and of course, Facebook. Everything from DIY crafts to informational speeches and cute pet videos has attracted the interest of Facebook users since 2015. What better way to market your business than through a quick and entertaining video? Social media users are ten times more likely to click and watch a preview of your business moto and services than to read pages of content they can get in a much quicker and visual format.
So, what are you waiting for? Start marketing your business through Facebook with social media marketing services from Right Click Digital Inc.! We specialize in creating custom video content and ads on Facebook that will give your business the exposure it deserves at a reasonable price!
Keep Your Posts Short & To the Point
When it comes to posting written content on your business’s Facebook page, the shorter the post, the more success you tend to receive. If customers wanted to read paragraphs about why they should choose your small business, they could go to your website. Social media, and Facebook in general, is a platform made for viewing a lot of content in a short amount of time.

Keep your customers interested with a short description of your products and services while adding a fun and enticing image to match.
When creating a post, try using no more than 40 characters and ask your customers a question to drive more engagement. For years, small businesses have been successful using these small techniques to build their customer base and create more exposure of their brand. Call Right Click Digital, Inc. in Collinsville, IL today for Facebook marketing services for your small business in central Illinois.
Post Frequently & Within A Specific Time Frame
On top of making your posts short and sweet, posting more frequently and within a specific time frame has been proven to be beneficial for small businesses, than those who only post once every so often. If a consumer notices a business that is up to date on their social media page, they are more likely to engage in your posts. A nonexistent social media presence leaves the wrong impression that your business is not up to date, and therefore can be looked past easily by potential consumers.
Posting at least twice a day both in the afternoon and evening are the best times to reach your Facebook audience, and will help your small business become noticed by a larger audience much quicker.
Get in On the Current Social Media Trends
Depending on the audience you are trying to target, keeping up on current trends in social media can quickly promote your businesses products or services. This tactic can be challenging at times, as it can potentially backfire if not executed properly, however, using trending topics in social media appropriately can create instant exposure to your business over night.

Try using the hashtag tracking tool on social media to immediately connect with those trends, or tag trendy people in your posts that have used your products or services. At Right Click Digital Inc. our social media marketing team keeps up to date on the latest trends on Facebook to help grow your small business!