Why External Links Are Essential for Your Custom Website

An individual in a dark blue short sleeve shirt holding a black phone and sitting at a black table with a laptop creating external links for a custom website.

Why External Links Are Essential for Your Custom Website

When it comes to having a custom website, many steps need to be taken to ensure that your business ranks as well as possible on search engines like Google. From digital design and content creation to the colors and organization of your pages, everything affects your visibility and how likely customers are to check out your company over another. At Right Click Digital, Inc., we believe that external links are one of the most important tools necessary to give your business the attention and accreditation it deserves. To read more about why your website needs external links, keep scrolling!

Linking Out Sends Trackable Traffic

One of the most important reasons to have your website built and managed through a professional digital marketing company like Right Click Digital, Inc. is to be able to track the amount of traffic coming into your website. When including external links on your website, allows our analytics team to track exactly how much traffic is taking place on each page of your website, simply by monitoring the number of times a visitor clicks one of your external links. Tracking your website traffic gives you insight into what clients are interested in and what areas need more work. For help creating a custom website for your small business, give us a call today at our office.

It Makes Your Custom Website a More Valuable Resource

A woman in a blue button-up shirt looking at a computer screen with rankings for a custom website that uses external links.

You could have the most beautifully designed website in your industry, but without the proper design methods and marketing tactics, your website could do nothing for your business. External links are one of the easiest ways to give your potential customers the information they need to decide whether they want to invest in your business. External links give customers this information from reliable sources that then prove your business to be a reliable resource for their needs. Make your website a more enjoyable and informative experience for your target audience by contacting Right Click Digital, Inc. today.

Search Engines Improve Custom Website Rankings With More Links

If your website isn’t ranking on search engines like Google or Bing, including external links is actually one of the easiest ways to boost your website’s visibility. While many low-quality sites tend to use links as a way of avoiding having to provide informative information, just the right number of links will help search engines detect spam from genuine small business sites, making it easier for your business to be noticed by your target audience. At Right Click Digital, Inc, we take advantage of linking your manufacturers and other resources on your website to improve your rankings. Call us today to learn more!

Linking Out Encourages Positive Participation

A woman in a pink blouse sitting at a desk with a laptop and book open that is engaging with a website that has external links.

When you include external links in your custom website, not only does it encourage visiting customers to read through your content, but it also allows for positive participation within your website and the reliable source you are linking. Whether you are including a link to one of your manufacturer’s sites or a relevant blogger that is educated in the services you offer, sharing exposure is one of the best ways to bring even more exposure to your website while beneficiating your target audience. For custom website services that focus on the importance of content and external links, call Right Click Digital, Inc. at (618) 607-0058 for a free consultation on your marketing needs.

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